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I'm a geek and I know it || JONAH & OLIVIA

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I'm a geek and I know it || JONAH & OLIVIA Empty
MessageSujet: I'm a geek and I know it || JONAH & OLIVIA I'm a geek and I know it || JONAH & OLIVIA EmptyDim 29 Jan - 22:48

    I always pretend I’m the coolest girl on planet earth but really I’m not. I love going to the library more than I love the mall, I enjoy the smell of old books with the yellow pages which keep falling apart, I could spend hours in a library and that would still not be enough. Other than books, I have a thing for chess. I know what you’re thinking: “sexy!” right? I’m just so good at it what can I do?! Don’t even take me to a chess tournament I might actually win. No kidding! I’ve been practicing ever since I was a little girl and by the time I was ten I was already kicking butts. But more than just books AND playing chess, I just love art in general and everything that is linked to culture. I’m a geek and totally proud to be. I mean who would be proud to be stupid anyway? Well being a geek doesn’t necessarily mean that you are smart, that’s true, but in my case it does. I’m actually a geek because I’m smart. It may sound like I’m bragging but really all I’m trying to do is to explain you why I enjoy doing things that normal people find boring. I’m not a boring person I swear, I just can never get enough of nerdy activities. Ask me to choose between a crazy night out in a club and a nice night at someone’s house watching a good black and white movie with some buttery popcorn and you’ll see that it doesn’t take me long to choose the lazy movie night. Seriously who could possibly say no to that? Not me! Partying in a club is so boring anyway, it really doesn’t matter if I miss a great party because there will be another one the same week and it will still be pretty much the same. But when you watch a different movie every Saturday night, it makes it a lot less repetitive. In my opinion at least… Don’t get me wrong, I love partying but just not as much as I love watching TV and being with my friends.

    And so that’s why I love Jonah. He is so much like me that sometimes I wonder if is not me as a guy. Weird I know… He is way older than I am but we like pretty much the same stuff that’s why we get along so well. Also, because he is older it sometimes feels like I have a brother to protect me and I love it so much. I mean my real big sister is so crappy that I always dreamed for another sibling and when I first arrived in San Francisco I found Arizona who is like the best big sister EVER and Jonah who is also a cool big brother. I got very lucky I guess. It’s like if after all those years of fighting with my sister I now deserve to have nice relationships with other people and I even get the right to pretend they are part of my family. It’s really awesome! Anyway I get to spend some really good time with Jonah and the thing we really enjoy doing together is watching TV. Tonight I am supposed to meet him at his place to watch a movie, I have no idea which one yet but I can’t wait to found out. Once in a while we do that but to be fair we don’t get to pick the movie everytime so someday I will be the one to choose and then the next time it’s his turn to make the decision. This weekend the decision is on him and it really doesn’t bother me because I know that we almost have the same taste when it comes to movies.

    So I arrived at 8:00pm, ready to have a good night with a good friend. I knocked on the door waiting for Jonah to open it and to invite me to come in. I was hoping he wasn’t in the shower or something because I really didn’t like to wait outside someone’s door. For some reason everytime I need to wait outside, it stresses me out and I feel weird and uncomfortable…especially if a neighbor sees me or something. It’s just feels so awkward. But fortunately for me a few second after I arrived, the door opened and I saw my friend. I gave him my sweetest smile and started to greet him while entering his apartment. “Hey! I’m super duper excited for tonight! I got us some pop corn and also stopped by starbucks to buy coffee.” I handed him a cup. “Here you go” I was acting like I was at home. I knew his apartment so well that it was no surprise. I took off my jacket and throw it on the sofa. Then, I just let myself get comfy and asked him. “So, what are we watching?”

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I'm a geek and I know it || JONAH & OLIVIA Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I'm a geek and I know it || JONAH & OLIVIA I'm a geek and I know it || JONAH & OLIVIA EmptyMer 14 Mar - 11:40

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I'm a geek and I know it || JONAH & OLIVIA

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